Saturday, 16 February 2013


Telexfree Residual Income

As a Telexfree member, you have the option to be either a passive member, an active member or both.


How much money can you really make if you decide to promote the program to others?

Here is a simple answer that should open their eyes!

If you simply joined at the $299 level and became your own customer for $49.90 and referred TWO people in your first 7 days and everyone did the same, by the end of 12 weeks you will have pocketed over $80,000.00 in Binary Commissions alone!

That's only ONE of the 7 income streams this company offers! The best part is that your income would NOT stop there it will keep growing week after week!

You also earn sponsorship bonuses, Retail Residual Commissions 5 levels deep, 6 generations of passive income ( HUGE!!), Group Earnings Bonus Pools, Team Builder Bonus Pool as well as Hotel Shares later in the year...... Being an active members opens up tremendous income opportunities for everyone involved.

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